Sunday, 6 February 2011

Why Stay at Wester Lix

So many reasons, but here is just one reason incorporating many . . . what am I waffling on about - the Wildlife - that is what!!!!!!!

We have a rich abundance of Wildlife of Wester Lix and the following pictures are some of them . . .

Please note that whilst I am a photographer alot of these pictures are just grabbed shot and low resolution jpegs so the quality is not up to my usual standard . . .

A Buzzard in the Snow

One of several Male Blackbirds

A Grey Heron

Duck and Ducklings on our Lochan

Young Hedgehog

Grey Heron in Flight

Sheep and Deer

Cute Bunnies

Mum and Ducklings on a daily pilgrimage to my bird table.

A Newt

Wood Pigeon

Red Stag actually taken on Rannoch Moor - but we have a herd visit us regurarly

One of our several Red Squirrels

My little friend - he sits on this post every morning

This Red Squirrel actually jumped on the Jay which hurriedly flew off

Stalking Heron after Frogs

One of our Toads

A very young Jay

And last but not least some pictures taken by one of our guests of our Otters . . . we are thinking of maybe building a hide to get closer  . . .

This top picture is actually two Otters sliding down together on a slide they had made!

We have many small birds as you will see as well as Tawny Owls and occasionally the sighting of a Golden Eagle.

We also have foxes and stoats, but I have yet to get a picture and there has been a Pine Martin seen in the vicinity . . . so your challenge if you come and stay is to get pictures of the Wildlife that we so far haven't managed to!

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